Good education about brachycephalic dog breeds.

Encouraging the adoption of international standards.

Encouraging healthy breeding programs.

Engaging in an honest debate about the welfare of dogs.
The foundation
The foundation was started because we noticed that an incorrect image is being created about the general health of brachycephalic dog breeds. In general, inaccuracies are too easily shouted about the health of various dog breeds. We believe it is important to provide a well-founded counter-argument to this. We focus primarily on brachycephalic dog breeds.

We aim to demonstrate that many short-nosed dogs can be healthy regardless of their nose length.

Breathing problems can be solved by breeding dogs that score well on the BOAS test with each other.

We want to inform people that CFR (craniofacial ratio) does not correlate with the quality of breathing.

An open, honest, and respectful discussion is needed about the health of short-nosed dogs.